What a fantastic night with lots of different games played including Wings of Glory WWII, Dropzone Commander, X-Wing, Warhammer Fantasy and 40k.
If you fancy a game of Dropzone Commander our resident Guru Al will be happy to give you and intro game, you name it he has it!
We also now have our our 3' x 4' Wings of Glory map suitable for WWI or WW2 games. The club also has a set of the rules and tokens and with a few of us playing either Allied or Axis, you can take your choice of what you want to play and get an intro game or a full on epic battle!
Please if you are seeing this, spread the work and share with anyone you know and let Pork Chop Gaming get even better with more members!
If you fancy a game of Dropzone Commander our resident Guru Al will be happy to give you and intro game, you name it he has it!
We also now have our our 3' x 4' Wings of Glory map suitable for WWI or WW2 games. The club also has a set of the rules and tokens and with a few of us playing either Allied or Axis, you can take your choice of what you want to play and get an intro game or a full on epic battle!
Please if you are seeing this, spread the work and share with anyone you know and let Pork Chop Gaming get even better with more members!
I look forwards to seeing you all again next week. Find us 'Here'.
Sorry about the pics, they were taken from my mobile.
Pictures of last night fun below...
Followed by a famous Red tail
Pork Chop Gaming Wings of Glory map
Spitfire one
Spitfire Two
Let battle commence (well training exercise)
The Spitfires tails the lead Mustang while the Red Tail slips in for a kill
Dropzone commander battlefield
Fantastic cardboard terrain
With excellent detailing
Ground view
Or near miss
Tau vs Space Marines
Playing on one of our Realm of Battle boards available at the club
With some matching terrain that can be used for Fantasy or 40k
Will the Imperial Fists hold the line
Tau Empire vs Farsight Enclaves
Fighting over a compound
Some fantastic looking Vespids
And some well painted Tau
Looks like a Farsight bomb to me!
The power of skimmers
The deadly Hammerhead
Fantasy on the march
Playing on our other Realm of battle board
Whats this, a Tigershark you say
A mean, lean killing machine
Running past creaters
Holding a skyshield
With Devastators holding the high ground
The forces move in on the Dropzone
An epic battle
With fantastic models and terrain
Birds eye view
Some tanks
~ Roll Dice and have Fun @ Pork Chop Gaming ~
What an awesome gaming day! Thanks for all the photos!